Villa La Rotonda surrounded by yellow rapeseed field

Field of rapeseed in flower near Villa "La Rotonda", Vicenza, Italy. Foto di Sebastiano Romio

Field of rapeseed in flower near Villa "La Rotonda", Vicenza, Italy. Foto di Sebastiano Romio


Villa La Rotonda, Vicenza, Italy, surrounded by a bright yellow rapeseed field. Foto di Sebastiano . . . → Read More: Villa La Rotonda surrounded by yellow rapeseed field

The blog and the journalism

I’m  a new-blogger and  I desire to make some considerations about the blog as a sort of  on-line diary.

I start speaking about  the job of the journalist.

I think that the activity of the journalist  substantially is  to offer news.

I think not being away from the truth when I affirm that in . . . → Read More: The blog and the journalism

To play truant and to be in the troubles

When it is said a off day.

In  my time, in the seventies, the worry for the one that  ”plays hookey”  was to run into some  teacher on the road.

We see now what can happen to a fifteen year-old boy that plays truant at  Vicenza in the morning of November 29th  2010.

This . . . → Read More: To play truant and to be in the troubles